Update on Making Safeguarding Personal resources
New resources to support Making Safeguarding Personal.
There is now a comprehensive set of resources to support Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) practice hosted on the LGA website.
The resources were funded by LGA’s and ADASS’s Partners in Care and Health (PCH) programme.
The resources include the MSP toolkit which contains a downloadable handbook, as well as a web-based set of tools and resources. The toolkit can be used for both individual and team based learning.
To support colleagues to ‘get the basics right’ with MSP, these useful films can be used as a learning resource to introduce or refresh key concepts of MSP. You could use these in conjunction with the Myths and Realities Briefing, which dispels common misunderstandings about the MSP approach. There is also an accompanying podcast series.
If you are looking to develop more in-depth learning around MSP, you can use these case studies to share examples of good practice with your teams. There is also a resource on self-neglect which includes films and a workbook.
If you would like to give colleagues an overview of these resources, you could give them the link to this webinar, which introduces the resources.
If you would like to give feedback on the resources or make suggestions for new resources, please email pch@local.gov.uk.